Once again, Cardiff IV
Lio Kaufman and Leonhard Weese represented as “Glenn Beckian Logic Applied” Debattierklub Wien at the Cardiff IV 2011. They performed well, missing the break to the finals just by a few speakerpoints. Leo has written a more detailed article published on Die Achte Minute. The Tab Thanks and see you soon!
White Nights in Belgrade
Open your calendars and mark August 5 to 11 2012 with the words “Belgrade” and “awesome”. You can book your flights and advertise Belgrade Euros 2012 in your debate societies as one of the best ever. At least that is the impression I got when checking my fellow debater’s Facebook status updates. An avalanche of […]
Vienna IV – the full story
3 days, 1 goal: debate, debate, debate!
Colgate wins Vienna IV 2011!
The first Vienna IV has taken place: The Winners are Austin Schwartz and Travis Steele from Team Colgate Extra White , who competed on 6th March at the Großer Festsaal of University of Vienna against Teams from Germany, Turkey and Serbia. Congratulation!